Esoteric & Meditation Classes
7pm Wednesday, March 26th,"The Awakening of Greater Consciousness"
“Gnosis seeks the connection of the Soul with the inner Real Being: the divinity that exists within each one of us."
The Austin Gnosis Center offers classes for anyone interested in learning about the Gnostic tradition. Classes are held weekly, and begin with an introductory series open to the public. With each new week, a new theme is introduced.
Themes start with the fundamentals, and continue on their progress towards the more esoteric. “Gnosis” is a word that means “knowledge”. A very special kind of knowledge, that is acquired from direct experience and concerns the inner knowledge of a human being.
The Gnostic knowledge is one that does not require the practice of an ancient or dogmatic belief system or religion. It is a contemporary tradition that aims at developing of all of our human and spiritual possibilities.
The first few themes are the most important, as these are the foundations of Gnosis which become the base of a student’s Gnostic work. The Gnostic classes present us with the study and practice of a set of universal principles of self-discovery and inner development.
Such principles are found in the sciences, philosophies, arts and spiritual traditions of human cultures throughout history. By putting the previously-mentioned universal principles into action in our lives, one is able to generate real, immediate and lasting positive change, as well as a growing level of freedom and happiness. As a result, one becomes more conscious, practical and efficient in every area of life.
The curriculum listed below is offered as a weekly course. It serves as a foundation for further study of esotericism and the science and ethics of meditation in a more in-depth manner. Anyone is welcome to attend. However, as the classes and practices build on one another, consistent weekly attendance is recommended.
If you decide not to continue with the classes at any point, you are totally free to stop attending with no further obligations.
The below curriculum of 33 lessons explores a wide range of esoteric, psychological and mystical subjects
Course Topics – 33 Lessons
1 – Introduction to Gnosis
The term Gnosis. Gnostic foundations. Science, Philosophy, Art and Mysticism.
2 – The Four Ways
The Fakir, the Monk, the Yogi and the Straight Path, or, the Fourth Way.
3 – The Two Lines of Life
The Level of Being. The marvellous ladder of the Being. The horizontal and the vertical lines of life.
4 – Need & Greed
Human needs. Money. Ambition. Happiness.
5 – The Consciousness, Personality and Animal Ego
The different egos. The development of the Essence. The false personality.
6 – The Human Machine and the Pluralised “I”
The intellectual, motor, emotional, instinctive and sexual centres.
7 – The Three Brains and How to Solve Problems
What is a problem? What are the types of problems we have, and how can we dissolve them?
8 – The Three Minds
The Sensorial, Intermediate, and Interior minds.
9 – The Universal Mind
Imagination and will. Mental epidemics. Mental hygiene. Origins of the Universal Mind.
10 – The Spatial Sense and the Fourth Dimension
The intimate remembrance of One-Self. Time. The six fundamental dimensions.
11 – The Awakening of Consciousness
Dreams, vigilance, self- and objective consciousness.
12 – Learning How to Listen
To speak is easier than to listen. Few are those who listen with their consciousness.
13 – Return, Recurrence, and Reincarnation
The great machinery of Nature and its intelligent laws.
14 – The Laws of Karma & Dharma
Justice and mercy. Types of Karma. Karma is negotiable.
15 – The Mysteries of Life & Death, pt. 1
Life, old age and death.
16 – The Mysteries of Life & Death, pt. 2
What of us continues after we die?
17 – Evolution, Involution and Revolution
The Transmigration of Souls: Elementals, Humanoids, Men and Super-men. The Three Factors for the Revolution of the Consciousness.
18 – The Seven Rounds and the Seven Races
The history of the races which have inhabited the Earth.
19 – The Origin of the “I”
How did we develop the ego? The history of the divine miscalculation that unbalanced human psychology. Explanation of the kundalini.
20 – The Lunar Influence
How the Moon influences human psychology, and how we can manage its effects.
21 – The Hidden Side of our Psychological Moon
Visible and hidden sides of our psyche. Criticism and self-criticism. The sense of psychological self-observation.
22 – Universal Sound
The power of the word. The relationship between vibration, movement, energy and matter. The keynote. Vibratory affinity. Mantras. The laryngeal-sexual relationship. Deformation of the word.
23 – The Seven Cosmos
Absolute Abstract Space, and the worlds that occupy all of space. The Ray of Creation.
24 – The Tree of Life
An introduction to the famous Tree of Life of the Kabbalah, and its principles.
25 – The Study of the Solar Humanity
The energy bodies of each Human Being: Astral, Mental, and Causal, and their relationship with the Tree of Life.
26 – The Seven Types of Man
Mechanical and conscious humanity. Our work towards becoming a balanced human, and the goal of the Gnostic work – the complete Realization of the Being.
27 – Psychic Development
Sensations. Perceptions. Concepts. Words. Language. Mantras. The Chakras.
28 – Transformation of Impressions
We receive life through our senses, in a series of impressions; our reactions dictate our internal state. How to process the impressions of life efficiently for spiritual growth. Principles of transformation and sacrifice.
29 – Prana, Tattwas, and Pranayama
The Law of Universal Vibration. The vital foundation. Properties of the Tattwas. Pranayama exercise.
30 – Sexual Hydrogen Si-12
Esoteric classification of energy: fundamental hydrogens. Transformation of food, air and impressions in the organism for the fabrication of sexual hydrogen.
31 – Astral Travel
The world of dreams. Astral projection and travel. Direct experience. Supra-dimensions and infra-dimensions.
32 – The New Age of Aquarius
The zodiac and the sidereal journey. The four ages of each humanity. The initiation of the Age of Aquarius in 1962, and its influence. What we need to do to participate in the upcoming Golden Age.
33 – The Pancatattwa Ritual
The five elements: fire, water, air, earth, ether. How to intelligently consume all of these, and their esoteric importance in our constitution. The Sahaja Maithuna, sacred sexuality.